Secure Lifecycle Management and Network Intrusion detection for Industrial IoT

The SCOUT platform focuses on secure communications and the secure lifecycle management of IoT devices, designed with an emphasis on security in its foundations and architectured as a component for inclusion within either small or large scale Industrial IoT platforms, complementing functionalities of other vendors.

SCOUT provides a secure end-to-end communication platform, where the sensor data is securely channelled to a customer's IoT application that also resides in the cloud; at no point is the data stored or processed internally.

Customer integration occurs on both the embedded client on the IoT device and the cloud application, as SCOUT is primarily a communication and delivery platform integrated with deep tech, machine learning, studying the metadata of the network traffic for the detection of network anomalies and intrusion detection.

The platform allows customers and their developers to focus on sensors and actuators and writing simple IFTTT (if-this-then-that) application logic specifically related to the deployed IoT devices and business cases.